Quantum Labels – Food

It is a tool originally born from the desire of food, wine and beverage producers to enhance the qualities and aromas of their products and that, used more widely, allows you to easily create new corners of taste and flavor, accelerating the traditional processing times and remaining faithful to the organic methods of Nature.

Theory and approach
Time is a magnetic field in rhythmic pulsation, so it is not linear as we imagine it.

Matter is the state of progressive compression just as air is the state of progressive corresponding expansion: taking our body as an example, the inner part is a compression field whose characteristic element is water, while the outer part that surrounds it is the expanding component whose determining element is air.

The boundary of our matter is therefore our "horizon", where time reverses the flow and the fields combine in equal measure, energy and angle. 

In this space, with its singular characteristics, information flows are managed.

What is information? 

They are amalgams of weak electromagnetic fluxes, each with its own energy and angle of propagation with respect to the observer, in a dimension so small that it can only be perceived as a whole.

Electromagnetic frequencies are then the propagation pathways that define the points touched by the information and the mapping of the matrix of resonant frequencies is the key of correspondence that binds the frequency to the elements in matter.

Our technology, scientifically proven, allows to insert the information in the limit fields, temporally static, and to give them the desired direction, thus composing the permanent and lasting modification of the desired field, be it characteristic, composition, aroma or flavor.

Use for food
Within this panorama the scent of an element represents an expanding information while the taste is in compression. 

Through the creation of an informed label, specifically made, it is possible to:

  1. balance the aroma, aroma or taste of a liquid or food;
  2. turn it in a specific direction;
  3. standardize an entire annual production;
  4. make the tasting experience more persistent and profound;
  5. ripen productions faster;
  6. Reduce acidity;
  7. limit the bodily impact of alcohol and derivatives;
  8. extend the service life of a product;

And much more.

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