The Matrix Card Club

Rhythm wrapping created by the Observer floating in the Timeline. Fields of light observed by the Great Architect, the one who designs spaces and environments.

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bricks of information alternating between on and off that create uniform traces on the observation plane by defining letters, an energy thought and closed in an environment

connected to neighboring and similar fields that rhythm with pauses generate words,

(Nothing more than the same initial letter angled to its depth and rotated, dragged sideways)

periodicity fields dragged laterally alternating with pauses, widened voids between the rhythms that at the border of the line change direction again and become vertical blocks of

complex information

until the closure of the construct, entity imbued with harmony on the plane ready to return to the observation plane,

the plan of life

in the depth of the screen where the compound routine waits to travel the screens present from moment to moment with motion forced by inertia and propagation speed defined by the energy of the


the sending of the program, the freedom from the suspension of thought and the beginning of one's own path of time.


experiences to be acquired, a composition of moments, of visible moments that through the time of virtual life become suspended iridescent pearls.

Every single aspect of life is regulated by time and how it tilts relative to your observation.

Each element is a combination of information and their unique characteristic flow over time.

The matrix fields show all the possible connections, the angles that unite the flows of information between space and time that allow their opening and use, their experience. 

The Cards

How is it visible? Each card is also a specific vibration, a note that emitted into the water generates the geometry on its surface (vd. cymatics), where the horizon flexes the fields and decides how to twist the field, what to pass in expansion, towards the air or in compression towards the water.

Each card has a hidden content, available only to the holder who joins the club and which certifies its uniqueness and authenticity (ed. sound and corresponding chemical element)

The cards are interrelated and can be collected

  1. by lines (from the most spatially expanded size at the top to the most compressed one at the bottom),
  2. for columns (planetary systems and signatures)
  3. For frames or event timeline.
  4. For diagonals, homogeneous is progressively rarer,

Some cards are printable and connected to entangled information and allow you to change the related field even in the reality we live by changing the flavor and scent of what they are in contact with.

49 cards with frame availability and
4 super rare specials.

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